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Alfalfa Hay - 20 oz

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Product Description

Farm fresh alfalfa hay with some timothy and orchard grass. This is a super-green hay. It has stalks and a lot of leaves. It is primarily alfalfa. This is not the same as store-bought alfalfa hay. This is fresh from the farm and is extremely fragrant. It is not cut in small pieces, but has longer stalks and is full of alfalfa leaves. This hay is only sold in boxes since it cannot be filtered, or it will lose it's nutrients. This is a huge treat for buns!

PLEASE NOTE: We do NOT reccommend this hay to adult buns for an everyday hay. It is too rich and high in calcium. Alfalfa hays are generally reccommended for young bunnies, or as a way to encourage an adult bunny to eat hay if he/she is recovering from surgery, or needs to get some roughage but will not his/her usual hay. If you are purchasing this hay for your adult bun for any purpose other than a treat (once a week), then please check with your rabbit savvy vet. This is a delicious hay, and the rabbits adore it, but adult house rabbits should only be given this in small quantities because we have seen them devour this hay, and will not stop until it is finished. Do not set the entire box out for your adult house rabbit.

This hay is sold only in a box and contains approximately 20 ounces of fresh alfalfa hay.

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Product Reviews

  1. I'd eat this every day if I could 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 15th Jul 2012

    This is one tasty hay! My human tries to sneak it into my little hay tumbler underneath other hays. But I always manage to dig to the bottom and pull it out to eat it first. Even when I'm having a day when I'm tired and don't feel so well, the aroma of this hay can perk me up and stimulate my appetite.

  2. perfect hay for treats 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 7th Jul 2012

    I have an adult rabbit, so I mix this with the Brome Hay every once in a while as a treat. She loves it! Smells and looks great, too. Comes in a box that's perfect for storing. Love Bingaling!

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